Flag Football Equipment

There is not much equipment needed in flag football, but, what you absolutely need is included below.


This depends on if you are playing for fun with a group of friends or family, or if you are playing for a league. If you are playing for a league, most will give you the necessary jerseys to play with.

The Flags

There are different kinds of flags, but, if you are playing for a league, they will supply the players with flags to keep. I9 flag football gives the team a number of flags to use and the coaches can pass them out. If you are planning to play more recreationally, then you can purchase my favorite kind of flags here.


Mouthguards are required in most leagues, but I don’t think they are necessary. So if you are just playing to have some fun, and they aren’t required to play, you can just play on without one. However, leagues like i9 flag football and NFL flag football require them and will most likely supply you with them. If you want to, or have to, here is a great mouthguard choice for you to buy 

If you are more flashy, and want to look like DK Metcalf, then here is a more expensive, fun mouthguard


Cleats are really important. They help you to not slip, and if you are trying to play to the best of your ability, then cleats are a necessity. They help you make cuts sharper, and quicker than without them. If you’re looking for basic nice cleats you can access the link here, or you can purchase less expensive cleats here. 

I would honestly recommend for you to go to a local sporting goods store, because they tend to be cheaper. There are also a lot more options than these so these are just the two most basic and common cleats that I tend to see.


You can get a pair of gloves if you are interested in making crazy catches. They help with your grip. If you plan on playing quarterback, then I wouldn’t get them because they effect you throwing of the football negatively. Here’s a link to a great pair of gloves, they are flashy, and you will make some plays with them.  If you like to lay low, you can click here for gloves that are a little more subtle, but they work just as good.

Again, you should go to some local stores, make sure they fit, and make sure they got some good stick on them as well. Again, these won’t ever be required, and some people (like me) don’t play as well with them on. It’s all based off of preference, so that’s why you should look through some on your own and make sure they are the right thing for you.

A playbook

If you’re a coach, the best thing for you is a great playbook!

Get a downloadable 7v7 flag football playbook OR a regular 5 on 5 flag football playbook for free

And Finally, a Football

If you need to know what size of football is right, then you can click here.

And that’s all the equipment needed for flag football! Now all you have to do is purchase some equipment, and hit the gridiron (the football field).