Concussion Recovery Process

The concussion recovery process is not easy if you are committed to your grind. It’s really boring, and as you progress through activities, it’s very humbling.

If you’re wondering if you have a concussion in the first place, click here.

Remember, this is just my experience in the state of Washington.


You need to rest. That’s for all injuries, but it’s insanely crucial to complete this process. Believe me, it’s really boring. But don’t watch TV, play video games, or any highly stimulating activities.

Some ideas for this time: listen to the radio of sports games and such, or listen to audio books.

This is the the MOST important part of recovery, and if you don’t proceed with caution, you will regret it later, and possibly see some longer lasting side effects.

During this time, at least where I live, you’ll have to answer question about your symptoms on a recurring basis.

Impact Testing

This will catch you if you lied about being asymptomatic. This test is painfully excruciating, and if you don’t have to take it you really lucked out. It’s the same one that you might’ve taken before the season, and your results will be compared.

Light Activities

In this portion of recovery, you go through some light exercises and such. I would have to ride the stationary bike, and jog around the track. AND you have to go through these without experiencing any symptoms.


For me, going back to full contact was hard. I got a splitting headache in about 30 mins and had to sit out the rest of practice. But, I was able to get cleared the next day after going through a full practice asymptomatic

And after you complete the entire recovery process for a concussion, you can go back to playing the sport you love!